WINDANSEA SALES provides personalized coaching services to Sales Professionals at all stages of their careers.

Schedule a Free Coaching Session with me today!

I’m offering a Free 30-minute Intro Session to help you:

  • Get clearer on your goals

  • Take away actionable steps to reach them

  • and help you decide if Sales Coaching is right for you.

After the intro call, sessions can be scheduled for 30, 45, or 60 minutes and recur at any frequency that suits your needs, goals, and timeline.

How many coaching sessions do I need?

There are a couple of ways to utilize Sales Coaching depending on what you’re looking to achieve:

Short-term Coaching: Perhaps you’re looking to gain a fresh perspective on how to address an immediate issue or want advice on how to nail an upcoming interview or presentation. You might just need one or two sessions to accomplish your desired outcome. You can always schedule more sessions as the need arises.

Long(er)-term Coaching: Consistent coaching can help you achieve both short and long-term goals, while regularly strengthening your confidence, skills, resilience, problem-solving, and more. So much happens in our day-to-day lives that it’s easy to veer off path. Regular coaching allows you time and space to consistently refocus your energy and attention on what matters so you can reach all of your goals.  

Who would benefit from Sales Coaching?

Anyone who works under the sales umbrella or aspires to, would benefit from coaching. 

  • First-Time Sales Managers who want to leverage decades of experience and take the leap into their new role with the mastery of a veteran Sales Leader.

  • Sales Managers moving to a new company who want to quickly gain trust, overcome outsider-status and break through ingrained habits, processes, attitudes, and standards to effect meaningful changes and develop and implement a strategic vision for growth. 

  • New and Aspiring Sales Consultants who want a roadmap on how to quickly audit sales organizations, design strategic action plans, and begin implementing meaningful changes for clients

  • Individual Contributors looking to improve their conversion rates, shorten their sales cycle, increase their deal sizes, or supercharge their skills in any way.

  • Sales Managers whose team and/or company is at a pivotal point and need to supercharge their leadership skills to launch into the next phase of growth.

  • Individual Contributors looking to move into leadership and want to stand out to Sr. Leaders as the obvious choice for current or future growth opportunities

  • Job Seekers who want to be prepared and polished to stand out against the competition as confident, knowledgeable and strategic candidates for any sales role.

  • Anyone Responsible for Hiring Sales Leadership who needs to identify the ideal candidate profile so they know how to spot top sales talent, and how to establish expectations for the role, articulate a clear job description, and set onboarding milestones to ensure success from new hires. 

  • Sales Leaders and Individual Contributors whose careers have stagnated and are looking for renewed motivation and/or a clear strategic plan to create forward motion towards new, exciting opportunities

  • Founders / Sr. Leaders at a Startup or Small Business that needs to grow upon or build a brand new sales function, and want a step-by-step road map to quickly create/improve an efficient, repeatable, scalable, results-driven sales operation on a solid foundation.

The fact that you’re here is a sign that you’re primed, eager, and ready to launch into a successful new chapter of your career, so congratulations! Let's get to work!

Keep Growing


Keep Growing ✴︎